The Adult Education Center is also grateful to receive any donation of resources, such as books, office equipment, classroom supplies, and computer equipment. Items should be in working condition, brand new or 'like new'. If you or your company is interested in giving an in-kind donation, please email in-kind donations will help the Adult Education Center reduce its monthly office costs so we can focus more of our resources on teaching students. Donations of any of the following wish list items are greatly appreciated.
- Small black and white copier
- 20 lb. copy paper, white & all colors
- 65 lb. card stock, white
- Office supplies: tape, paper clips
- Mailing labels equivalent to Avery 5160
- Mailing labels equivalent to Avery 5163
- Mailing labels equivalent to Avery 5165
- Lysol spray
- Clorox disinfecting wipes
- Post-it notes
- Notepads
- Antibacterial hand sanitizer
- Dishwasher soap
- Dish soap
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Cleaning products
- Vacuum cleaner (new)
- Postage stamps
- Soft drinks
- Individually-packaged snacks/chips
- Jumpdrives (1 or 2 GB)