The mission of the Adult Education Center is to Engage, Educate, and Empower communities of adult learners by advancing literacy skills and employment opportunities to achieve a better quality of life.
We serve communities by contributing to the economy, reducing poverty, and decreasing crime through improved literacy among residents.
We engage volunteers by delivering training, providing support, and creating impactful volunteer opportunities.
We help families thrive by helping break the intergenerational cycle of low literacy and create a culture of life-long learning.
We equip adults for success by administering self-paced or accelerated instruction, citizenship readiness, and employment preparation.
Our vision is where continued education improves lives and builds better communities.
From a launch in 1987 with 3 learner/tutor pairs, then the Adult Reading Center has achieved steady, managed growth during the past 31 years to 7 full-time and 1 part-time staff, 5 part-time instructors, and nearly 100 volunteers assisting adult learners each year.
In 1998, with broad community support, the main building was purchased giving the Center a permanent location. In 2002, an in-kind gift of a modular building was received increasing capacity for additional on-site classroom instruction. Through diligent fundraising efforts, the mortgage was paid in full in March 2007.
In February 2006, the Center was awarded ProLiteracy America Accreditation which acknowledges literacy organizations that are distinguished by superior professional leadership, effective programs, committed governing boards, and outstanding volunteer support.
In 2011-12, Region 4 Adult Education Consortium of which the Adult Reading Center is a member received a Platinum Award from Texas LEARNS for meeting and/or exceeding all of our federal and state targets for learner progress.
Presently, the Adult Reading Center has assumed a new name the Adult Education Center and continues to be a service hub that employs a comprehensive, learner-centered approach that elevates adult learners from the lowest levels of literacy and English speaking to obtaining a High School Equivalency (HSE) Credential/Certificate, securing their citizenship, earning a living wage, and becoming contributing members of their community.